Raspberry Pi B+ and Altoids

Just in case you have not noticed the hype that is all over our corner of the internet, there is a new version of the Raspberry Pi, called the “B+”. I won’t bother going into detail about its features, that’s covered very well by many others including Adafruit, Gordon Henderson, Carrie-Ann Philbin and, of course, …

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New Toys!

Aha! the new toys I ordered have arrived. Two new Raspberry Pi boards, two ModMyPi “gamble” cases, and some miscellaneous hardware. The two new Raspberry Pis are both 512MB “revision 2” boards with mounting holes, and I have already fixed them snugly in their new cases. The cases which arrived were black top/red bottom, and …

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I just noticed a new crop of Raspberries

I was just browsing around the Raspberry Pi area of farnell.com and saw that the new crop of Raspberries have 512MB of RAM. This is twice the amount in my original “Model B” (and theoretically four times the amount in the “Model A”). I can’t see why anyone would want the Model A – have …

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