The time is UP!

Followers of this blog will know that I have an interest in the whole ecosystem of Raspberry Pi “compatible” boards. By now I have quite a selection. Mostly, the boards I have in my collection are ARM-based, often using a System-on-Chip (SOC) from AllWinner rather than the Broadcom devices used by the official Raspberry Pi …

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Freescale Kinetis KwikStik (part 1)

Although I had some success with using the Segger firmware on a Freescale FRDM board to program a KE04 microcontroller on a header board recently, I was very aware that I was being naughty. The terms of use for the Segger firmware make it clear that it is only for programming and debugging genuine Freescale …

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ARM Cortex-M board from scratch part 2: LPC810

As I mentioned in my previous post in this series, I have been planning for a long time to make my own ARM Cortex development board from scratch. After a lot of mulling around, and a bit of a false start with the LPC1114 chip, I discovered JeeLabs, a comprehensive web site, blog and upcoming …

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ARM Cortex-M board from scratch part 1: Too Many Options

As many of my readers will be aware, I have quite an extensive collection of microcontroller development boards with a wide range of controller chips from a variety of architectures and manufacturers. While it’s fair to say that I enjoy programming and creating projects with these boards, there has always been a niggle in the …

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Kickstarter and LPLC PIC18 development board

It looks like this is a good time of year for Kickstarter projects to turn up. Not only did I receive my MoPi board yesterday, but today I got three of Mike Hibbett’s LPLC PIC18 development board in the post. I must admit that I am a complete newbie when it comes to PIC development. …

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MoPi has arrived

A pleasant surprise today – I received two packages. One was a bunch of stuff from Cool Components, who are having a summer sale for just a few days, and had tempted me to spend more cash. I’ll work through those bits another time. The smaller, but potentially more interesting package was the MoPi board …

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Problem with the new Raspberry Pi Compute board

I suppose it’s what you get for being an early adopter, but today I received a slightly worrying email from Farnell: Important Product Information for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit Replacement Display and Camera Adapter Boards Please be aware that there is a fault with the display and camera adapter boards included as …

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MoPi: mobile and flexible powers supply for Raspberry Pi

Over the last few days I have been reading quite a bit about the MoPi: Mobile and 24/7 Power for the Raspberry Pi. I have had an email conversation with Hamish Cunningham and seen it mentioned in several places. The Kickstarter campaign for this clever little board is coming to an end, so I thought …

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Boeeerb MotorPiTX

Following my review of Ryan Walmsley’s RPi MCB, and my previous review of the RasPi Robot board it only made sense to also assemble and review the Boeeerb MotorPiTX which I also received recently. The MotorPiTX is a multi-function board. It has two A/B motor drivers, two servo controllers, a bunch of headers and most …

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RyanTeck RPi MCB motor control board

It’s been a while since I did any assembly, but I seem to have built up a pile of bits again, so it’s time to break out the soldering iron… First in the queue is the RPi MCB (Motor Control Board), the first hardware product from Ryan Walmsley (the Rastrack guy). This is an interesting …

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