ARM Cortex-M board from scratch part 3: Kinetis KE04

If you have read my previous post in this series, you’ll know that I had mixed feelings about the LPC810 and LPC812 chips from NXP. They are certainly simple and flexible in use, but without a stable and predictable technique to program them I just ended up more frustrated. However, I impressed myself by successfully …

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Build an ‘Arduino’ on a Raspberry Pi

This is, after all, supposed to be a blog about Raspberry Pi. With all the stuff about Arduino and Atmel AVR chips, you might think I have wandered off. However, just to prove that Pi and ‘Duino work well together, here’s how I hand-built a board to sit on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and …

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RyanTeck RPi MCB motor control board

It’s been a while since I did any assembly, but I seem to have built up a pile of bits again, so it’s time to break out the soldering iron… First in the queue is the RPi MCB (Motor Control Board), the first hardware product from Ryan Walmsley (the Rastrack guy). This is an interesting …

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Building a “prototino” Arduino clone

In an attempt to get back into blogging about my Raspberry Pi and microcontroller projects I have been looking through my collection of parts and kits, to see what I can make, or at very least assemble. One of the kits I bought a few months ago was a “prototino“. This is essentially an Arduino …

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Reading analogue data on a Raspberry Pi using MCP3002

I got a bit disappointed with my little bus pirate yesterday. I’ll investigate how to update it to fix the odd SPI behaviour another time, but for now, its on to trying to read the MCP3002 SPI ADC chip directly using the Raspberry Pi. However, this one I’m going to do a bit differently. My …

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Building a MAX7219 LED array

Time for a bit more soldering, I think. I couple of months ago I bought a little MAX7219 LED array kit from ebay for a couple of pounds. They are all over ebay and aliexpress. As kits go it is very simple – a resistor, two capacitors, some sockets and some optional connectors. Soldering it …

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HotPi multi-purpose board

This is turning out to be a great week for new stuff. Yesterday I got a package of goodies from China and today I got a HotPi board from local Raspberry Pi specialists “The Pi Hut“. The board was funded by a kickstarter project. Unfortunately I did not know about it until after the kickstarter …

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