Developing memory-mapped IO

I’m trying to make a concerted push on a first working version of CORNELIUS at the moment, and it’s throwing up all sorts of interesting aspects of software development. For the first version I am building the minimum OS and language in C. However, I am trying very hard to minimise the amount of C …

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Memory map thoughts for a bare-metal system

In my continuing research for my bare-metal operating system and language, I have been looking at polyFORTH. This is a system language designed for use on the massively-parallel processor chips produced by GreenArrays, obviously from the same heritage as the Problem Oriented Language philosophy from Charles Moore’s 1970 document. One interesting thing about the polyFORTH …

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I just noticed a new crop of Raspberries

I was just browsing around the Raspberry Pi area of and saw that the new crop of Raspberries have 512MB of RAM. This is twice the amount in my original “Model B” (and theoretically four times the amount in the “Model A”). I can’t see why anyone would want the Model A – have …

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