Compute Module has arrived

This is exciting. A Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit (a.k.a “Model C”) arrived in the post today. At last I have a “Raspberry Pi” with a decent number of GPIO pins. Just as when the Original Pi launched, there is not much information or third-party support yet. In particular, I’d love to see a …

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What should I do with a free Velleman MK158 kit?

Last week when I met up with some other local makers, there was a box of strange kits on the table, surplus to requirements, offered for anyone who could think of something interesting to make with the bits. I grabbed one, as much for curiosity as anything else, and I have now had a look …

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Building a “prototino” Arduino clone

In an attempt to get back into blogging about my Raspberry Pi and microcontroller projects I have been looking through my collection of parts and kits, to see what I can make, or at very least assemble. One of the kits I bought a few months ago was a “prototino“. This is essentially an Arduino …

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