Frustrating day – need to get more organised

In some ways I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. I have been trying various things with my Raspberry Pi and with my OS and language designs on and off all day, but not made any reportable progress on any of it. The code for the FORTH-like “problem oriented language” is still flailing as I change …

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Gertboards and microcontrollers

Last month, when I found my Raspberry Pi again and started this blog, I had a look around the web to see what was happening in the world of Raspberry Pi. One of the things I kept bumping into was the “Gertboard” – an almost mythical input/output expansion board, named after Gert van Loo, its …

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Know any stackable, single Raspberry Pi GPIO connectors?

Yesterday, in my review of the LEDBorg, I wrote about how it can be inconvenient to connect two devices to the Raspberry Pi GPIO header at the same time, especially when one of them has a header which covers all the pins. I mostly write and run my own bare-metal software on the Raspberry Pi, …

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Hardware review: LEDBorg for Raspberry Pi

Introduction A while ago I ordered and received a LEDBorg bright, three-colour LED for my Raspberry Pi. I am a fan of LEDs since I first saw those large LED screens in Seattle, and so this time wanted to have a go at writing software to drive the GPIO pins, but didn’t want to go to …

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Morse code on a big, bright, LEDBorg

I have already proved to myself that I can set up and control the OK LED on the Raspberry PI board from a bare-metal C program, but I didn’t really feel that I entirely understood what was going on. The cop-and-paste code to set up and switch the GPIO line used for the OK LED …

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How to read Raspberry Pi board revision and memory size

As I mentioned yesterday, I now have some new Raspberry Pi boards to play with, and also some extra hardware. I had planned to spend this evening writing some GPIO code to control the colours and brightness of the LEDborg. I even got as far as plugging it in to one of the boards. Then …

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Raspberry Pi with Ham

Introduction A few days ago I was suffering the lack of output from a bare-metal Raspberry Pi – very little as output to hint what is going on inside the electronics. I had struggled through the first few “Baking Pi” tutorials and got as far as programming the GPIO to switch the “OK” LED on …

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Serial port shenanigans

Before I left for our holiday travels, I ordered a couple of extra toys for my Raspberry Pi, both from UK dealer The first was a “prototyping plate” from Aadafruit which brings out the on-board connections to a circuit board and some screw connectors for solderless cabling. This one is “some assembly required”, so …

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