Back from an Easter break

Just a relatively short post this time, as I ease myself back into the blogging habit. In case you are interested; since my last post I have been travelling round the South West of the UK with my family, spending time with friends and relations along the way. Very pleasant to have a break, but …

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First trial of fourier transform on a KL25z

Progressing with my attempt to record and process ultrasonic sounds, I have spent this evening with a trial version of a fast fourier transform (FFT) on the KL25z ARM board. My hope is that if I can get it running fast enough and well enough, I can offload that part of the work to this …

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Using Raspberry Pi with a Freescale KL25z

In my continuing quest to get ultrasonic sound information in to a Raspberry Pi so I can do interesting stuff with bat sounds, one of the candidate devices I have identified is the Freescale Freedom KL25z board. Unlike the MCP3002 that I tried to connect to recently, this is not just an analogue to digital …

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