MoPi has arrived

A pleasant surprise today – I received two packages. One was a bunch of stuff from Cool Components, who are having a summer sale for just a few days, and had tempted me to spend more cash. I’ll work through those bits another time. The smaller, but potentially more interesting package was the MoPi board …

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MoPi: mobile and flexible powers supply for Raspberry Pi

Over the last few days I have been reading quite a bit about the MoPi: Mobile and 24/7 Power for the Raspberry Pi. I have had an email conversation with Hamish Cunningham and seen it mentioned in several places. The Kickstarter campaign for this clever little board is coming to an end, so I thought …

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Boeeerb MotorPiTX Update

If you read my recent review of the Boeeerb MotorPiTX, you will be aware that I had trouble with powering the Raspberry Pi and the MotorPiTX board from the MotorPiTX power socket, and resorted to ignoring the smart power circuitry and using the usual Raspberry Pi micro-USB power input. I’m happy to report that this …

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HotPi multi-purpose board

This is turning out to be a great week for new stuff. Yesterday I got a package of goodies from China and today I got a HotPi board from local Raspberry Pi specialists “The Pi Hut“. The board was funded by a kickstarter project. Unfortunately I did not know about it until after the kickstarter …

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Fitting a Real Time Clock to Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a great little board, and it still amazes me the huge range of things you can do with it. However, it’s not without its limitations. One of these limitations is that it has no “real-time” clock. Sure, it has internal counters and the like, and when running under Linux it will …

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