Freescale Kinetis KwikStik (part 1)

Although I had some success with using the Segger firmware on a Freescale FRDM board to program a KE04 microcontroller on a header board recently, I was very aware that I was being naughty. The terms of use for the Segger firmware make it clear that it is only for programming and debugging genuine Freescale …

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ARM Cortex-M board from scratch part 2: LPC810

As I mentioned in my previous post in this series, I have been planning for a long time to make my own ARM Cortex development board from scratch. After a lot of mulling around, and a bit of a false start with the LPC1114 chip, I discovered JeeLabs, a comprehensive web site, blog and upcoming …

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Backups using bt sync and Raspberry Pi (Part 1 – software)

You have probably heard of the big names in “cloud” file storage. Maybe you use something like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud already. They are all easy to use – once you have installed a small service on your PC and told it what files and folders you wish to store, it takes care of …

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Back from an Easter break

Just a relatively short post this time, as I ease myself back into the blogging habit. In case you are interested; since my last post I have been travelling round the South West of the UK with my family, spending time with friends and relations along the way. Very pleasant to have a break, but …

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Gertboards and microcontrollers

Last month, when I found my Raspberry Pi again and started this blog, I had a look around the web to see what was happening in the world of Raspberry Pi. One of the things I kept bumping into was the “Gertboard” – an almost mythical input/output expansion board, named after Gert van Loo, its …

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