Ipswich Makerspace meeting report

For a few months now I have been involved with the Ipswich Makerspace (formerly Ipswich Hackspace) group. The aim is to find a way to find somewhere permanent where we can set up equipment, make stuff, learn and teach. For now, though, we are limited to meeting from time to time in borrowed premises. Yesterday …

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Back to Pi and back to blogging

It’s been a while since I last posted here. It’s the nature of my work that from time to time I have to concentrate on client business at the expense of my own projects. Occasionally, though, I am lucky, and client work coincides with my interests :) Over the last few days I have been …

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Using Raspberry Pi and Chef to set up remote servers (Part 1)

I always have several different projects on the go at any one time, and recently this has meant that I have been setting up and tearing down remote virtual machines frequently in order to try out different system configurations and run experiments. As you might imagine, I got well and truly sick of slogging through …

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Pi Face Control and Display Case

In my excitement at ordering the new PiFace Control and Display board, I also ordered a black plastic case to hold both the Raspberry Pi with the add on board fitted. I can’t say that I’m very impressed, though. The case consists of two “U”-shaped halves, which clip together to form a closed case. For …

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PiFace Control and Display

I was very excited to read about the new PiFace Control and Display board. On a first look at the spec it seems to have a really sweet set of features. A two line display, some general purpose buttons, a left/right/click joggle wheel and an infra-red sensor. This little board opens up a world of …

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“Cerberus” a single USB cable for Raspberry Pi, Arduino and Freedom boards

If your workbench is anything like mine it’s covered in cables of one sort or another. Anything that helps manage that tangled complexity is a good thing, so I was very interested when I saw the “cerberus” multi-headed USB cable available from Sparkfun and distributors. As I hope you can see from the picture, it …

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Building a “prototino” Arduino clone

In an attempt to get back into blogging about my Raspberry Pi and microcontroller projects I have been looking through my collection of parts and kits, to see what I can make, or at very least assemble. One of the kits I bought a few months ago was a “prototino“. This is essentially an Arduino …

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Back from summer break

As you may have noticed if you follow the posting schedule here at Raspberry Alpha Omega, I have had a few months away from blogging. It has been a busy summer with holidays, travel, and family stuff, so I thought it best to take a break. This post is mainly to remind anyone still reading …

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Cambridge Raspberry Jam

Just a quick post today to report that I want along to the Cambridge Raspberry Jam today. Many thanks to Michael Horne for arranging it! This was my first “jam”, so I was not sure what to expect. It turned out to be a kind of one-day conference, with a sequence of presentations separated by …

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Eben Upton’s ’80s inspiration

I usually try and be fairly serious here, but while reading How Raspberry Pi taught British tech to be world-class at techradar, I was reminded of something else from the 1980s. Looks like Eben Upton was inspired not just by the BBC Micro, but also by Max Headroom :) Max Headroom and Eben Upton. Standing …

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