Using Raspberry Pi and Chef to set up remote servers (Part 1)

I always have several different projects on the go at any one time, and recently this has meant that I have been setting up and tearing down remote virtual machines frequently in order to try out different system configurations and run experiments. As you might imagine, I got well and truly sick of slogging through …

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Backups using bt sync and Raspberry Pi (Part 1 – software)

You have probably heard of the big names in “cloud” file storage. Maybe you use something like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud already. They are all easy to use – once you have installed a small service on your PC and told it what files and folders you wish to store, it takes care of …

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A solution to multiple Raspberry Pi ssh key woes

I have several Raspberry Pi boards, and several SD cards which I swap around depending on what I am doing at the time. I usually can’t be bothered to find and connect up a HDMI display and separate keyboard, so I just connect using ssh from whatever development PC I happen to have to hand. …

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Driving a 7219 LED matrix from a Raspberry Pi

Flushed with my success in getting data displayed on my cheap LED matrix using a Bus Pirate, I decided that the next step was to see if I could get it working with a Raspberry Pi. It feels like I luckily won big when i tried starburst slot online, click here to get out from …

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Starting with Arch Linux

Pretty much everything I have done with my Raspberry Pi boards so far has either used the Raspbian Linux operating system, or my own “bare metal” code. From time to time I have been a bit frustrated with some of the choices in Raspbian, such as the difficulty in building device drivers. I have also …

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Porting (FFT and traffic lights)

Today seems to have been mostly about porting. I’ve not really developed anything new, but I have learned a lot by moving things around between machines. Yesterday I was a little disappointed with the un-tuned performance of the FFT code I had found and got running on the Freescale Freedom KL25Z, so I decided to …

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HotPi part two, software frustration

I suppose I should know better than to announce what I plan to do the next day. In yesterday’s post I made a lot of progress with the HotPi board and was looking forward to having fun with colour LED control and IR sensing. Unfortunately I made hardly any progress, and ended the evening not …

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Controlling a Slice of Pi/O with Python

I recently got a comment on my article from 1st February about Soldering a Slice of Pi/O asking for some help in programming it in Python. This reminded me that I have not got very far with this little board beyond checking that the Raspberry Pi could see it. So I decided to see what …

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Testing memory-mapped IO

Following on from yesterday’s post about developing code which uses the memory-mapped IO on the Raspberry Pi, but on a separate development system which does not have the same hardware, I began to think about the steps needed for testing such code. The first stage is unit-level testing. As much of the code as possible …

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Finally got my bluetooth keyboard working

When I set up this blog, I made a commitment to myself that it would not be just a “link blog” where I note down interesting pages, articles and sites I have found in my travels around the web. I have another blog which pretty much covers that function, even though I have been busier …

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