A new meeting place for the Ipswich Makerspace

Yesterday I went along to another meeting of the Ipswich Makerspace. This time we were in a larger hall at Holy Trinity Church, just across from the small room we met in last time. We had a few more people turn up, but there’s still plenty of room to grow! This week we had a …

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Freescale Tech Day in Milton Keynes

No post yesterday, as I was attending a “Designing with Freescale” Tech Day. If you have been reading this blog for a while, you will probably know that I like working with Freescale ARM microcontrollers, particularly with their low cost and surprisingly powerful FRDM range of development boards. For once, I had a day where …

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Code Warrior, Eclipse, and Freedom boards

As you may recall, I have plans to use a Freescale ARM development board (such as a KL25Z, or a K20D50M) as an I/O interface for at least one Raspberry Pi project. These boards are a bit like a super-Arduino: small enough to fit in the archetypal mint ton, bristling with pins for digital, analog, …

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Back from an Easter break

Just a relatively short post this time, as I ease myself back into the blogging habit. In case you are interested; since my last post I have been travelling round the South West of the UK with my family, spending time with friends and relations along the way. Very pleasant to have a break, but …

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