Analogue electronics for a bat detector

I’ll admit up front that analogue electronics is not my strong point. Many years ago when I was at school, I had loads of fun making things out of nand and nor gates, inverters, flip-flops and so on, but I was never able to make even a simple op-amp circuit do anything useful. Fast forward …

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CORNELIUS code changes again

One thing which has been causing me to scratch my head more than any other as I have chugged along the development of CORNELIUS (my bare-metal operating system and language for the Raspberry Pi) is the difference between the code needed when building an application and the code needed when running an application. For example, …

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Back to soldering

Yesterday morning my car was at the garage for a service from, so I took the morning off work rather than struggle in using public transport only to come straight back again to pick it up. I took the opportunity to break out the soldering iron and construct some Raspberry Pi boards, one of …

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Controlling a Slice of Pi/O with Python

I recently got a comment on my article from 1st February about Soldering a Slice of Pi/O asking for some help in programming it in Python. This reminded me that I have not got very far with this little board beyond checking that the Raspberry Pi could see it. So I decided to see what …

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Is there a Raspberry Pi with 4GB in the works?

This is not really a news blog, but I spotted something on a recent video titled “Reuters visits the Raspberry Pi factory” at The picture below is a screenshot from about 2 minutes 17 seconds into the video. It shows a box labelled RASPBERRY PI 4GB U-ICC-005-43 and a photo of a board. (click …

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@RSElectronics #bluePi contest ideas

I guess a lot of people in the Raspberry Pi community will have seen the RS Electonics Birthday “Blue Pi” contest. The idea is that people tweet their ideas of interesting things they want to do (or are working on doing) with Raspberry Pi, and the most interesting ones will win a special, limited edition, …

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MUDs, federation and multiple Raspberry Pi boards

As I have mentioned a couple of times recently that I have been enjoying playing the Raspberry-Pi-hosted “Alternate Universe” MUD (AU). As well as bringing back all sorts of happy memories it has prompted me to think about possibilities for using a Raspberry Pi as more than just a generic Linux server. Not that using …

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Progress I made at the Norwich Raspberry Jam

In my excitement to write about attending my first Raspberry Pi meetup yesterday, I forgot to say anything about what I actually got up to myself. In between chatting and finding out about other projects I did make some progress on mine. In quiet moments I hacked on the ELIUS code to get the remaining …

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Raspberry Pi in Norwich

This afternoon I spent a fun few hours with Norwich Raspberry Pi User and Developer Group. The group held a meetup at The Soup Lab, which turned out to be a small but very geeky location to meet. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but found a group of like-minded and very enthusiastic raspberry Pi …

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