Arduino development in a web browser

Over the last few years I have written and edited many Arduino sketches. Aside from a brief dalliance with Sublime Text I have exclusively used the dull but ubiquitous Arduino IDE. At the time I started each project this seemed completely natural, but over time I seem to somehow lose track of where I put …

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Rediscovering the delights of C

The last few months have been an interesting journey for me. Not only have I been having loads of fun (and quite a few late nights) with my Raspberry Pi experimentations, but I have also been spending my working days programming in C. It came as a bit of a surprise when I was first …

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Ruby and Sinatra on the Raspberry Pi

I am interested in all sorts of software development and related areas. In particular I do a lot of Java and Ruby development, both for my day job and for fun. Once a month I try to get along to IPRUG, our local Ruby user group and meet up with other Ruby software folks for …

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