Building Raspberry Pi code for unit tests

So far, despite working on a variety of bare-metal software features for the Raspberry Pi, I have not managed to achieve my aim of using the principles of TDD (Test-Driven Development). In my “day job” I make a lot of use of TDD techniques, and I am convinced that this approach both greatly improves the …

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TDD and operating system development

Well, I’m back from my travels, and I did indeed do a lot of thinking. And a lot of driving. At least eight hours behind the wheel plus other odds and ends of time gave me plenty of opportunity to mull things over. When I had a chance, I scribbled down notes on notepads and …

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Linux, ssh, git and C

Today has been really busy on the Raspberry Pi front. I’ve gone from a little box I’m not sure what to do with, to a fully working Linux development system. Better than that, it’s already helped me find some bugs in an existing piece of software I was working on. Things have moved on a …

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