Using Raspberry Pi and Chef to set up remote servers (Part 1)

I always have several different projects on the go at any one time, and recently this has meant that I have been setting up and tearing down remote virtual machines frequently in order to try out different system configurations and run experiments. As you might imagine, I got well and truly sick of slogging through …

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A solution to multiple Raspberry Pi ssh key woes

I have several Raspberry Pi boards, and several SD cards which I swap around depending on what I am doing at the time. I usually can’t be bothered to find and connect up a HDMI display and separate keyboard, so I just connect using ssh from whatever development PC I happen to have to hand. …

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Starting with Arch Linux

Pretty much everything I have done with my Raspberry Pi boards so far has either used the Raspbian Linux operating system, or my own “bare metal” code. From time to time I have been a bit frustrated with some of the choices in Raspbian, such as the difficulty in building device drivers. I have also …

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Installing minecraft on the Raspberry Pi

There has been a lot of excitement around the blogosphere following the announcement of a free version of the wildly popular game Minecraft for the Raspberry Pi. My teenagers and their friends are somewhat obsessed with the game, so the chance of drumming up a bit of interest in software and hardware development by joining …

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Fitting a Real Time Clock to Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a great little board, and it still amazes me the huge range of things you can do with it. However, it’s not without its limitations. One of these limitations is that it has no “real-time” clock. Sure, it has internal counters and the like, and when running under Linux it will …

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Linux, ssh, git and C

Today has been really busy on the Raspberry Pi front. I’ve gone from a little box I’m not sure what to do with, to a fully working Linux development system. Better than that, it’s already helped me find some bugs in an existing piece of software I was working on. Things have moved on a …

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