Freescale Kinetis KwikStik (part 2)

My previous post ended with me waiting for delivery of a surface-mount SWD connector so I could turn a Freescale Kinetis KwikStik K40 into a Segger J-Link compatible debug probe. I placed an order with Farnell UK for an appropriate connector, and it arrived the next day. Soldering the connector was surprisingly difficult. I had …

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Repairing a faulty “flowing water light” board

For my next experiments with LEDs and PWM I need more lights. When I bought the “flowing water light” I also bought a second one, but I hadn’t bothered assembling it yet. Naively I thought it would be as straight-forward as making the first one. I assembled the board (as far as I can tell) …

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Building and testing a Raspi Robot board

I have had a kit of parts for a RaspiRobot board in my “to do pile” for a while now. Today I had a bit of spare time so I followed the construction instructions and put it together. Step one was to check I had the right bits. I opened the packet and laid the …

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Back to soldering

Yesterday morning my car was at the garage for a service from, so I took the morning off work rather than struggle in using public transport only to come straight back again to pick it up. I took the opportunity to break out the soldering iron and construct some Raspberry Pi boards, one of …

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Soldering a slice of pi/o

A few weeks ago I bought some interface adapter boards, including a Slice of PI/O, which came as a kit of parts in a little zip-lock bag. I had a day off work today. Not for a good reason, unfortunately – it was my aunt’s funeral in the afternoon. But it did give me an …

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