At last, direct ethernet connection

It all started when I took a hurried bag full of Raspberry Pi-related bits and bobs to Norwich, and then spent over an hour trying to get a simple network connection working between my laptop and the Raspberry Pi. Ever since then I have been looking for a way to quickly and simply connect the …

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Raspberry Pi as a node in a loose network of devices

The more I think about it, the more fascinating the possibilities of the Raspberry Pi become.  This is a fantastic read to explore its vast possibilities. It occupies a really interesting spot between traditional embedded controllers like Arduino, pics and the like at one end, and “proper” computers at the other. It has enough GPIO to …

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MUDs, federation and multiple Raspberry Pi boards

As I have mentioned a couple of times recently that I have been enjoying playing the Raspberry-Pi-hosted “Alternate Universe” MUD (AU). As well as bringing back all sorts of happy memories it has prompted me to think about possibilities for using a Raspberry Pi as more than just a generic Linux server. Not that using …

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Rediscovering the delights of C

The last few months have been an interesting journey for me. Not only have I been having loads of fun (and quite a few late nights) with my Raspberry Pi experimentations, but I have also been spending my working days programming in C. It came as a bit of a surprise when I was first …

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More adventures with Minecraft

Following yesterday’s bumpy start, I was determined to make some progress with Minecraft today. I had hunted round our storage and gathered the following: A Dell Vostro 200 desktop with 1GB RAM which my wife used before she got her laptop. We stopped using this because its hard drive broke and it refused to boot …

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