CORNELIUS code changes again

One thing which has been causing me to scratch my head more than any other as I have chugged along the development of CORNELIUS (my bare-metal operating system and language for the Raspberry Pi) is the difference between the code needed when building an application and the code needed when running an application. For example, …

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Automatic Raspberry Pi board revision detection: model A, B1 and B2

When the raspberry Pi model A was announced a few days ago, I ordered one straight away. With three different models of raspberry Pi now available (or four, if you count the red Chinese variant), working out the capabilities of the board is becoming increasingly important. It’s vital for anyone involved in making hardware or …

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Slides from my IPRUG talk

This evening I presented a session on Raspberry Pi at The Ipswich Ruby User Group (IPRUG). I think the presentation went well, as dd the Q&A session which followed. Unfortunately, all my plans to demonstrate stuff fell through. Mainly this was due to my own lack of preparation rather than any problems with the hardware …

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No success (yet?) with USB

I have spent a few days planning for my talk at IPRUG tomorrow evening. One of the things I was hoping to do was demonstrate a standalone Raspberry Pi controlling a USB missile launcher that I have had laying around unused for a few years. I got the device out of its box, found some …

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Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO from Ruby

After my grumpiness yesterday, I thought I’d better strike out in a different direction while I consider my options with the various sub-projects I have on the go at the moment. I have mentioned before that I am a member of local Ruby user group “IPRUG”. This is on my mind at the moment as …

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More language thoughts

Following my post a few days ago about high and low level languages, I received an interesting email from Paul Hammant with some astute comments. After thinking about this for a bit I’ll have another go. Note that this is a follow-up, and probably makes a bit more sense if you read the original post …

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Ruby and Sinatra on the Raspberry Pi

I am interested in all sorts of software development and related areas. In particular I do a lot of Java and Ruby development, both for my day job and for fun. Once a month I try to get along to IPRUG, our local Ruby user group and meet up with other Ruby software folks for …

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What is a “high level language”?

When I was first learning about computer science in the early 1980s, much was made of the difference between “low-level” and “high level” languages. Back then, it seemed as if the distinction was fairly clear: “low level” languages are languages which require you to understand the mechanics of how a computer works, and tell it …

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