Detective work on PiFace Control and Display

Having wasted all my free time yesterday on trying to find out how the PiFace CAD is interfaced to the Raspberry Pi, I thought I’d take a different approach today. When I was last working with SPI, I used my trusty Saleae Logic analyser to find out what was happening, so I thought I’d connect …

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PiFace Control and Display

I was very excited to read about the new PiFace Control and Display board. On a first look at the spec it seems to have a really sweet set of features. A two line display, some general purpose buttons, a left/right/click joggle wheel and an infra-red sensor. This little board opens up a world of …

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Hardware abstraction layers

I feel as though I have been spending most of my CORNELIUS efforts on the ELIUS (language) part, and neglecting the CORN (operating system) part. Recently, though, I have been thinking about the notion of a “hardware abstraction layer” (HAL). This is a common part of many systems, and serves to isolate the messy, hardware-specific …

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