Testing memory-mapped IO

Following on from yesterday’s post about developing code which uses the memory-mapped IO on the Raspberry Pi, but on a separate development system which does not have the same hardware, I began to think about the steps needed for testing such code. The first stage is unit-level testing. As much of the code as possible …

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Communication, Doors and Crates

A few days ago I wrote about looking for metaphors to get to grips with what happens when a computer appears to be doing multiple things for multiple people at one time. The outcome was some ideas based on the physical metaphor of a house I lived in while studying at university. At that point …

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Raspberry Pi with Ham

Introduction A few days ago I was suffering the lack of output from a bare-metal Raspberry Pi – very little as output to hint what is going on inside the electronics. I had struggled through the first few “Baking Pi” tutorials and got as far as programming the GPIO to switch the “OK” LED on …

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