Boeeerb MotorPiTX Update

If you read my recent review of the Boeeerb MotorPiTX, you will be aware that I had trouble with powering the Raspberry Pi and the MotorPiTX board from the MotorPiTX power socket, and resorted to ignoring the smart power circuitry and using the usual Raspberry Pi micro-USB power input. I’m happy to report that this …

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RyanTeck RPi MCB motor control board

It’s been a while since I did any assembly, but I seem to have built up a pile of bits again, so it’s time to break out the soldering iron… First in the queue is the RPi MCB (Motor Control Board), the first hardware product from Ryan Walmsley (the Rastrack guy). This is an interesting …

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Building and testing a Raspi Robot board

I have had a kit of parts for a RaspiRobot board in my “to do pile” for a while now. Today I had a bit of spare time so I followed the construction instructions and put it together. Step one was to check I had the right bits. I opened the packet and laid the …

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