Morse code on a big, bright, LEDBorg

I have already proved to myself that I can set up and control the OK LED on the Raspberry PI board from a bare-metal C program, but I didn’t really feel that I entirely understood what was going on. The cop-and-paste code to set up and switch the GPIO line used for the OK LED …

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Data representation – squashing Morse code

I’ll say at the start that there’s no real reason to do this. The Raspberry Pi has far more memory than any little bare-metal program is ever likely to use. However, this just struck me as a bit of fun, and arguably instructive in thinking about data representations. Last Time I wrote about Charles Moore, …

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Raspberry Pi with Ham

Introduction A few days ago I was suffering the lack of output from a bare-metal Raspberry Pi – very little as output to hint what is going on inside the electronics. I had struggled through the first few “Baking Pi” tutorials and got as far as programming the GPIO to switch the “OK” LED on …

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