Is there a Raspberry Pi with 4GB in the works?

This is not really a news blog, but I spotted something on a recent video titled “Reuters visits the Raspberry Pi factory” at The picture below is a screenshot from about 2 minutes 17 seconds into the video. It shows a box labelled RASPBERRY PI 4GB U-ICC-005-43 and a photo of a board. (click …

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Simplifying the CORNELIUS memory map

It’s funny how ideas work their way out sometimes. Today I spent an hour ow two simplifying the memory map for my operating system and language CORNELIUS. I had thought that the way I had laid out the memory was pretty much as simple as it could be for this application, but just yesterday it …

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ELIUS Memory Primitives

I can’t help but feel that progress is slow on ELIUS, my from-the-ground-up programming language. This is a natural and expected side-effect of only being able to work on it in spare time during the evenings and weekends, but it is still frustrating. Today I made some progress on adding the first set of “primitive” …

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Developing memory-mapped IO

I’m trying to make a concerted push on a first working version of CORNELIUS at the moment, and it’s throwing up all sorts of interesting aspects of software development. For the first version I am building the minimum OS and language in C. However, I am trying very hard to minimise the amount of C …

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Using huge memory with tiny languages

One of the characteristics of “Problem-Oriented Languages” (POL) is that they are tiny. The language run-time provides just enough to enable a programmer to extend the language into something appropriate to the needs and terminology of the domain. This “tininess” also extends to memory usage. On a single process system the complete language and operating …

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How to read Raspberry Pi board revision and memory size

As I mentioned yesterday, I now have some new Raspberry Pi boards to play with, and also some extra hardware. I had planned to spend this evening writing some GPIO code to control the colours and brightness of the LEDborg. I even got as far as plugging it in to one of the boards. Then …

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Baking Pi, part 1

Having decided that I wanted to embark on a bare-metal adventure, I thought it best that I prepare myself a bit. Ideas are already buzzing around in my head about what and how I might approach this problem, but to start with I think that following in someone else’s footsteps might be a good idea. …

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