Another presentation to IPRUG

My presentation to IPRUG about the Raspberry Pi a few weeks ago went down well, so when Kerry, the leader of the group, asked if anyone was willing to join in for an evening of five-minute “lightning” talks I thought I’d have another go. This time I put together a slide deck and some chat …

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More language thoughts

Following my post a few days ago about high and low level languages, I received an interesting email from Paul Hammant with some astute comments. After thinking about this for a bit I’ll have another go. Note that this is a follow-up, and probably makes a bit more sense if you read the original post …

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What is a “high level language”?

When I was first learning about computer science in the early 1980s, much was made of the difference between “low-level” and “high level” languages. Back then, it seemed as if the distinction was fairly clear: “low level” languages are languages which require you to understand the mechanics of how a computer works, and tell it …

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