Installing and using node.js on Raspberry Pi

The programming language landscape is always changing, and in my “day job” as a software developer I use a wide range of languages. Over the last year or so I can remember working with Awk, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, shell script and SQL. And that’s not counting all the specialist configuration, scripting and data …

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Driving a LED array from a BeagleBone Black

Over a month ago, now, I had a brief play with my Beaglebone Black. It took me a while but I just about got to the point of flashing an LED. That was enough at the time, but now I want to do something more interesting. So I thought I’d start by doing some patterns …

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First steps with Beagleboard Black

I have had a few weeks off from electronic tinkering and from posting here, but I’m hoping to ramp up my post schedule again. Today I picked up my new Beaglebone Black. On “paper”, both this and the Cubieboard seem to be serious competitors of the Raspberry Pi. They are around the same price, and …

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