Build an ‘Arduino’ on a Raspberry Pi

This is, after all, supposed to be a blog about Raspberry Pi. With all the stuff about Arduino and Atmel AVR chips, you might think I have wandered off. However, just to prove that Pi and ‘Duino work well together, here’s how I hand-built a board to sit on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and …

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HotPi multi-purpose board

This is turning out to be a great week for new stuff. Yesterday I got a package of goodies from China and today I got a HotPi board from local Raspberry Pi specialists “The Pi Hut“. The board was funded by a kickstarter project. Unfortunately I did not know about it until after the kickstarter …

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Back to soldering

Yesterday morning my car was at the garage for a service from, so I took the morning off work rather than struggle in using public transport only to come straight back again to pick it up. I took the opportunity to break out the soldering iron and construct some Raspberry Pi boards, one of …

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Soldering a slice of pi/o

A few weeks ago I bought some interface adapter boards, including a Slice of PI/O, which came as a kit of parts in a little zip-lock bag. I had a day off work today. Not for a good reason, unfortunately – it was my aunt’s funeral in the afternoon. But it did give me an …

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Gertboards and microcontrollers

Last month, when I found my Raspberry Pi again and started this blog, I had a look around the web to see what was happening in the world of Raspberry Pi. One of the things I kept bumping into was the “Gertboard” – an almost mythical input/output expansion board, named after Gert van Loo, its …

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Know any stackable, single Raspberry Pi GPIO connectors?

Yesterday, in my review of the LEDBorg, I wrote about how it can be inconvenient to connect two devices to the Raspberry Pi GPIO header at the same time, especially when one of them has a header which covers all the pins. I mostly write and run my own bare-metal software on the Raspberry Pi, …

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Hardware review: LEDBorg for Raspberry Pi

Introduction A while ago I ordered and received a LEDBorg bright, three-colour LED for my Raspberry Pi. I am a fan of LEDs since I first saw those large LED screens in Seattle, and so this time wanted to have a go at writing software to drive the GPIO pins, but didn’t want to go to …

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