Ipswich game developers and hackspace

Despite a head buzzing with ideas for things to do with the interesting combination of Raspberry Pi and Freescale KL25z, I had no time to play with them this evening. I had a meeting to go to! I mentioned in my discussion of the Ipswich technology scene that I had discovered a group of people …

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MUDs, federation and multiple Raspberry Pi boards

As I have mentioned a couple of times recently that I have been enjoying playing the Raspberry-Pi-hosted “Alternate Universe” MUD (AU). As well as bringing back all sorts of happy memories it has prompted me to think about possibilities for using a Raspberry Pi as more than just a generic Linux server. Not that using …

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Simplifying the CORNELIUS memory map

It’s funny how ideas work their way out sometimes. Today I spent an hour ow two simplifying the memory map for my operating system and language CORNELIUS. I had thought that the way I had laid out the memory was pretty much as simple as it could be for this application, but just yesterday it …

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