RyanTeck RPi MCB motor control board

It’s been a while since I did any assembly, but I seem to have built up a pile of bits again, so it’s time to break out the soldering iron… First in the queue is the RPi MCB (Motor Control Board), the first hardware product from Ryan Walmsley (the Rastrack guy). This is an interesting …

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Programming Raspberry Pi add-ons (a rant and a plea)

I love the Raspberry Pi. Sure it has its warts, but overall it is very well suited to an amazingly large range of uses. What I’m not so keen on, though, is the Python. Not that I have anything against the programming language (or John Cleese, Eric Idle et al., come to that), but it’s …

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HotPi part two, software frustration

I suppose I should know better than to announce what I plan to do the next day. In yesterday’s post I made a lot of progress with the HotPi board and was looking forward to having fun with colour LED control and IR sensing. Unfortunately I made hardly any progress, and ended the evening not …

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Why is it so hard to build Raspberry Pi Linux drivers?

A few days ago I complained a bit about the profusion and confusion around the Linux drivers for the PiBorg LEDBorg multi-colour LED. With a bit of renewed energy, I thought I’d have a go at improving the situation by including a test for board revisionin the driver and ensuring that the correct GPIO pins …

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Controlling Raspberry Pi GPIO from Ruby

After my grumpiness yesterday, I thought I’d better strike out in a different direction while I consider my options with the various sub-projects I have on the go at the moment. I have mentioned before that I am a member of local Ruby user group “IPRUG”. This is on my mind at the moment as …

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Serial port shenanigans

Before I left for our holiday travels, I ordered a couple of extra toys for my Raspberry Pi, both from UK dealer Proto-PIC.co.uk The first was a “prototyping plate” from Aadafruit which brings out the on-board connections to a circuit board and some screw connectors for solderless cabling. This one is “some assembly required”, so …

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