First steps with Beagleboard Black

I have had a few weeks off from electronic tinkering and from posting here, but I’m hoping to ramp up my post schedule again. Today I picked up my new Beaglebone Black. On “paper”, both this and the Cubieboard seem to be serious competitors of the Raspberry Pi. They are around the same price, and …

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Rediscovering the delights of C

The last few months have been an interesting journey for me. Not only have I been having loads of fun (and quite a few late nights) with my Raspberry Pi experimentations, but I have also been spending my working days programming in C. It came as a bit of a surprise when I was first …

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Slides from my IPRUG talk

This evening I presented a session on Raspberry Pi at The Ipswich Ruby User Group (IPRUG). I think the presentation went well, as dd the Q&A session which followed. Unfortunately, all my plans to demonstrate stuff fell through. Mainly this was due to my own lack of preparation rather than any problems with the hardware …

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