Basics of a FORTH style systen

I have been reading about the early days of FORTH recently, and learned a lot about the ideas and philosophy behind the language and the system. In the past, when I had tried to create my own FORTH-style languages I think I was missing something important. I had been confusing the “language” of available FORTH …

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I now have a screen, but can I use it?

Over the Christmas break I visited my mother. She had become fed up with her old TV, and wanted a new, larger one with a built-in DVD player. We went for a shopping trip and I helped her choose one she liked. I set it all up and it it seemed to do the job, …

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What is an “operating system”?

Since deciding to have a go at producing my own operating system for the Raspberry Pi, one thing has been going round and round in my head. What exactly is an “operating system”? According to the introduction to the “Baking Pi” tutorials from the University of Cambridge: An operating system is just a very complicated …

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Baking Pi, part 1

Having decided that I wanted to embark on a bare-metal adventure, I thought it best that I prepare myself a bit. Ideas are already buzzing around in my head about what and how I might approach this problem, but to start with I think that following in someone else’s footsteps might be a good idea. …

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