Reading an analogue value in C on a Freescale Freedom KL25Z

After spending the last few days messing with a MCP3002 SPI ADC chip, I’m beginning to wonder if it is not really suitable for my needs after all. Both the SPI libraries I have tried have had problems with excess waiting around transfers, which becomes very significant when each new sample requires a whole new …

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Reading analogue data on a Raspberry Pi using MCP3002

I got a bit disappointed with my little bus pirate yesterday. I’ll investigate how to update it to fix the odd SPI behaviour another time, but for now, its on to trying to read the MCP3002 SPI ADC chip directly using the Raspberry Pi. However, this one I’m going to do a bit differently. My …

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Analogue electronics for a bat detector

I’ll admit up front that analogue electronics is not my strong point. Many years ago when I was at school, I had loads of fun making things out of nand and nor gates, inverters, flip-flops and so on, but I was never able to make even a simple op-amp circuit do anything useful. Fast forward …

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Analogue input

Unlike many embedded controller boards, the Raspberry Pi does not have any analogue input. For a lot of uses this is not an issue, but as I progress with my plans to build an ultrasonic recording and processing system (a.k.a “bat detector”) I’m beginning to think that I need to add some analogue input to …

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