Building and testing a “flowing water light”

I’m a bit of a sucker for cheap little electronics. After playing around with single LEDs and traffic lights for a while I wanted something a bit more interesting, so just over a pound for an “8 Channel Flowing Water Light LED DIY Kit” seemed too much fun to pass up. The circuit is very …

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Porting (FFT and traffic lights)

Today seems to have been mostly about porting. I’ve not really developed anything new, but I have learned a lot by moving things around between machines. Yesterday I was a little disappointed with the un-tuned performance of the FFT code I had found and got running on the Freescale Freedom KL25Z, so I decided to …

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Not just Raspberry Pi – playing with an Arduino

I have had an Arduino board sitting in one of my electronics boxes for months. While chatting with an ex colleague yesterday evening, it occurred to me that I had never actually done anything with it. Although it may seem that Arduino and Raspberry Pi are in some sense competitors, I’m seeing more and more …

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