Arduino development in a web browser

Over the last few years I have written and edited many Arduino sketches. Aside from a brief dalliance with Sublime Text I have exclusively used the dull but ubiquitous Arduino IDE. At the time I started each project this seemed completely natural, but over time I seem to somehow lose track of where I put …

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Arduino Mini Pro and ultrasonic distance sensor

I’ve not blogged here for a few days. Unfortunately my “real job” got very busy. In the meanwhile I received another package of bits I had ordered from China weeks ago and mostly forgotten about ;) Among other things in this package were some clone Arduino Mini Pro boards. These little boards have a SMD …

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Building a “xino” Arduino clone kit

You’d think I would be fed up with Arduinos after all that messing about with one connected to a Raspberry Pi, but while playing with that it occurred to me that some months ago I had bought a nicely cheap Arduino board kit (Xino Basic for Atmel), assembled it, but not managed to program it, …

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A new meeting place for the Ipswich Makerspace

Yesterday I went along to another meeting of the Ipswich Makerspace. This time we were in a larger hall at Holy Trinity Church, just across from the small room we met in last time. We had a few more people turn up, but there’s still plenty of room to grow! This week we had a …

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Arduino serial communication finally working

After several attempts ( blogged here, here, and here ) at getting an Atmel AVR chip on a daughter board to communicate with a Raspberry Pi, I am now excited to report that I have it working. I turned out here were several things wrong: I needed to stop the Raspberry Pi serial port console …

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More serial port foolishness

So I’m still banging my head against the difficulty of making a simple serial connection between my Raspberry Pi and an ATMega chip on a daughter board. And I still have not got it working properly. Overnight it occurred to me that I ought to have turned off the serial port login on the Raspberry …

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Communicating with an Arduino on a Pi

Yesterday I wrote about how I managed to get an “Arduino” (or at least the AVR ATMega328 chip which powers one) attached to and programmed by my Raspberry Pi. However exciting a blinking LED may be, though, it’s not much use if the only way to change its behaviour is to completely re-program the chip. …

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Build an ‘Arduino’ on a Raspberry Pi

This is, after all, supposed to be a blog about Raspberry Pi. With all the stuff about Arduino and Atmel AVR chips, you might think I have wandered off. However, just to prove that Pi and ‘Duino work well together, here’s how I hand-built a board to sit on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and …

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Simpler than a Shrimp – Arduino with no crystal

As I mentioned at the end of my previous Arduino post, I want to build my “learning timer” into a stand-alone project, with its own battery and enclosure. While I could just transfer the circuit exactly as it is to some proto board, I thought I’d take the opportunity to see how much more I …

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Building my own Arduino: shrimp and ArduinoISP

A few days ago I wrote about a “learning timer” that I had built using an Arduino Uno. Arduino boards are pretty easy to come by, and also easy to work with, but can be a bit expensive to build in to things (a genuine Arduino Uno from the manufacturer will set you back 20 …

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