Back from summer break

As you may have noticed if you follow the posting schedule here at Raspberry Alpha Omega, I have had a few months away from blogging. It has been a busy summer with holidays, travel, and family stuff, so I thought it best to take a break. This post is mainly to remind anyone still reading …

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Cambridge Raspberry Jam

Just a quick post today to report that I want along to the Cambridge Raspberry Jam today. Many thanks to Michael Horne for arranging it! This was my first “jam”, so I was not sure what to expect. It turned out to be a kind of one-day conference, with a sequence of presentations separated by …

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Eben Upton’s ’80s inspiration

I usually try and be fairly serious here, but while reading How Raspberry Pi taught British tech to be world-class at techradar, I was reminded of something else from the 1980s. Looks like Eben Upton was inspired not just by the BBC Micro, but also by Max Headroom :) Max Headroom and Eben Upton. Standing …

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Backups using bt sync and Raspberry Pi (Part 1 – software)

You have probably heard of the big names in “cloud” file storage. Maybe you use something like Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud already. They are all easy to use – once you have installed a small service on your PC and told it what files and folders you wish to store, it takes care of …

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A solution to multiple Raspberry Pi ssh key woes

I have several Raspberry Pi boards, and several SD cards which I swap around depending on what I am doing at the time. I usually can’t be bothered to find and connect up a HDMI display and separate keyboard, so I just connect using ssh from whatever development PC I happen to have to hand. …

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Reading an analogue value in C on a Freescale Freedom KL25Z

After spending the last few days messing with a MCP3002 SPI ADC chip, I’m beginning to wonder if it is not really suitable for my needs after all. Both the SPI libraries I have tried have had problems with excess waiting around transfers, which becomes very significant when each new sample requires a whole new …

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Using the bcm2835 C library for SPI

Yesterday I used Gordon’s WiringPi library to successfully read analogue voltage values from an MCP3002 chip over SPI. My plan for today was to try and read data as fast as possible, to begin building one version of an ultrasonic “bat detector”. However, I got a bit distracted.. When I looked in detail at the …

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Reading analogue data on a Raspberry Pi using MCP3002

I got a bit disappointed with my little bus pirate yesterday. I’ll investigate how to update it to fix the odd SPI behaviour another time, but for now, its on to trying to read the MCP3002 SPI ADC chip directly using the Raspberry Pi. However, this one I’m going to do a bit differently. My …

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Another try at reading a MCP3002 ADC with Bus Pirate

A few months ago I got somewhat stuck trying to understand how to “join the dots” between the Bus Pirate and a MCP3002 SPI analogue to digital converter (ADC) chip. Finally I abandoned the effort and moved on to other things. More recently, however, I have succeeded in sending data to a MAX7219 LED matrix …

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Driving a LED array from a BeagleBone Black

Over a month ago, now, I had a brief play with my Beaglebone Black. It took me a while but I just about got to the point of flashing an LED. That was enough at the time, but now I want to do something more interesting. So I thought I’d start by doing some patterns …

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