Simplifying the CORNELIUS memory map

It’s funny how ideas work their way out sometimes. Today I spent an hour ow two simplifying the memory map for my operating system and language CORNELIUS. I had thought that the way I had laid out the memory was pretty much as simple as it could be for this application, but just yesterday it …

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A few new goodies

It seems like ages ago that I was complaining about not being able to access the UART pins when an add on board is attached to the GPIO header of my Raspberry Pi. I even drew a picture of what I was looking for. I still haven’t found anything exactly like that, but I have …

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A possible candidate for analogue input

I’m still looking for a way of getting analogue input into my Raspberry Pi so I can build an ultrasonic “bat detector”. I looked at this a few days ago, and came away disappointed with the slow speed of all the analogue input devices I could find. I think I may have found an answer. …

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Another presentation to IPRUG

My presentation to IPRUG about the Raspberry Pi a few weeks ago went down well, so when Kerry, the leader of the group, asked if anyone was willing to join in for an evening of five-minute “lightning” talks I thought I’d have another go. This time I put together a slide deck and some chat …

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Another big step for ELIUS

One of the odd things about working with bare-metal and operating system level software is how tiny things can seem like huge steps when you know what is going on behind the scenes. In this case the “one small step” is the traditional “hello world”, something that ELIUS has not really been able to up …

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Analogue input

Unlike many embedded controller boards, the Raspberry Pi does not have any analogue input. For a lot of uses this is not an issue, but as I progress with my plans to build an ultrasonic recording and processing system (a.k.a “bat detector”) I’m beginning to think that I need to add some analogue input to …

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I feel like I’m becoming a giant!

As I mentioned a few days ago, I am trying to build an ultrasonic “bat detector”, with the aim of using a Raspberry Pi to record and transpose the inaudible noises given off by bats as they fly around the night sky. I researched the different types of microphones and eventually ordered a pair of …

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