General Resources:
- The Raspberry Pi Foundation, source of all things Pi
- Download site for raspberry Pi disk images
- Raspberry Pi quick start
Hardware vendors:
- Mod My Pi a great range of Pi cases and other accessories
- run by the charismatic “lady Ada”, a good source of all sorts of electronic hackery for your Pi
- CJE Micros a source of connectors, expansion boards and the like
- Proto-PIC UK dealer for various bits including some adafruit stuff
- HobbyTronics general electronics dealer with a raspberry Pi section
- PiBorg makers of the LEDBorg multi-colour LED, and an upcoming robot motor controller
Development Tools:
- MobaXterm ssh client with graphical X display capabilities, and much more
- Check unit test framework for C development
- The git version control system
- Yagarto, a GNU toolchain for cross-compiling ARM code on Windows
- MingW, a GNU toolchain for compiling code to run on Windows
- MingW, a GNU toolchain and unix-like environment for Windows
- Baking Pi Operating Systems Development in ARM assembler
Software examples and projects:
- A port of the Arduino “Wiring” library to Raspberry Pi
- richcole: Adventures in Bare Metal Programming on the Raspberry Pi
- dwelch67: Lots of useful examples
- Some bare metal assembler examples not based on Baking Pi
- Some code based on Baking Pi, but with fixes and extensions
- raspi-os experiments with bare metal OS programming on Raspberry Pi
- Tart experiments with bare metal OS programming on Raspberry Pi
- LainOS-Pi A (attempt to?) port LainOS to Raspberry Pi
- Das U-Boot Ambitious multi-hardware boot loader
- A port of Xinu to ARM devices
- A few odd bits of low-level Raspberry Pi C code
- An attempt to port FreeRTOS to Raspberry Pi
Related, similar, or just plain interesting blogs
Books and ebooks:
- Test Driven Development by example – Kent Beck
- Raspberry Pi User Guide – Eben Upton and Gareth Halfacree
- Haynes Raspberry Pi Manual – Eben Upton, Liz Upton and Gray Girling
- Raspberry Pi Projects – Andrew Robinson
- Raspberry Pi Assembly Language Beginners: Hands On Guide: 1 – Bruce Smith
- Raspberry Pi for Schools – Raspberry Shake
- Beginning Raspberry Pi Game Programming – Martin Bishop
- Raspberry Pi In Easy Steps – Mike McGrath
- Raspberry Pi – A Complete Beginner’s Guide – Bruce Smith
- Learn Raspberry Pi With Linux – Peter Membrey and David Hows
- Raspberry Pi For Dummies – Sean McManus and Mike Cook
- Getting Started with Raspberry Pi – Matt Richardson and Shawn Wallace
- Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python – Simon Monk
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