A pleasant surprise today – I received two packages. One was a bunch of stuff from Cool Components, who are having a summer sale for just a few days, and had tempted me to spend more cash. I’ll work through those bits another time.
The smaller, but potentially more interesting package was the MoPi board I had backed on Kickstarter. It came in a cute little box with the flying Raspberry logo, which shows how small the board is.
Inside the box was the MoPi board itself, two 9V battery connectors with flying leads, a small instruction sheet and, in my case at least, a personal message from Hamish Cunningham, creator of the MoPi. I have not powered the board up yet, but looking at it the design has certainly progressed from the Kickstarter picture which I used in my previous blog post. In particular, the second bank of boles labelled “GPIO thru” has become some long pins on the single GPIO connector.
The supplied battery leads are intended to connect with some screw terminals which hide under the MoPi board. On the one hand this is clever placement, as it makes use of some otherwise wasted space. On the other hand, though, it does make it tricky to attach or detach power sources with the board in situ.
hi Frank!
You’re right it is tricky to change supplies connectors in situ, but the PP3 connectors are reasonably flexible for swapping supplies externally… Swings and roundabouts I guess.
Best of luck with it,
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