Raspberry Pi B+ and Altoids

Just in case you have not noticed the hype that is all over our corner of the internet, there is a new version of the Raspberry Pi, called the “B+”. I won’t bother going into detail about its features, that’s covered very well by many others including Adafruit, Gordon Henderson, Carrie-Ann Philbin and, of course, …

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A busy evening with the Ipswich Makerspace

On Thursday I popped along to the latest “Soldering irons and Software” evening with the Ipswich Makerspace group. This was easily the best attended so far with a wide range of projects in various stages of completion. The thing I found most intriguing about the number and variety of people was how quickly we have …

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Arduino Mini Pro and ultrasonic distance sensor

I’ve not blogged here for a few days. Unfortunately my “real job” got very busy. In the meanwhile I received another package of bits I had ordered from China weeks ago and mostly forgotten about ;) Among other things in this package were some clone Arduino Mini Pro boards. These little boards have a SMD …

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Building a “xino” Arduino clone kit

You’d think I would be fed up with Arduinos after all that messing about with one connected to a Raspberry Pi, but while playing with that it occurred to me that some months ago I had bought a nicely cheap Arduino board kit (Xino Basic for Atmel), assembled it, but not managed to program it, …

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Kickstarter and LPLC PIC18 development board

It looks like this is a good time of year for Kickstarter projects to turn up. Not only did I receive my MoPi board yesterday, but today I got three of Mike Hibbett’s LPLC PIC18 development board in the post. I must admit that I am a complete newbie when it comes to PIC development. …

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MoPi has arrived

A pleasant surprise today – I received two packages. One was a bunch of stuff from Cool Components, who are having a summer sale for just a few days, and had tempted me to spend more cash. I’ll work through those bits another time. The smaller, but potentially more interesting package was the MoPi board …

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Problem with the new Raspberry Pi Compute board

I suppose it’s what you get for being an early adopter, but today I received a slightly worrying email from Farnell: Important Product Information for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module Development Kit Replacement Display and Camera Adapter Boards Please be aware that there is a fault with the display and camera adapter boards included as …

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