Back to Pi and back to blogging

It’s been a while since I last posted here. It’s the nature of my work that from time to time I have to concentrate on client business at the expense of my own projects. Occasionally, though, I am lucky, and client work coincides with my interests :)

Over the last few days I have been seeing a lot of interest in Raspberry Pi from all sorts of different directions, including a chance to work on a Pi-based display screen project, some interesting possibilities of setting up a local Raspberry Pi user group and collaborating with other “makers”, and an offer of parts to review from a major component supplier.

I’m getting the distinct impression that I need to get back in the saddle here and write up some of this stuff, as well as addressing the big backlog of things I always intended to write about!

As an aside, I always hoped that this site would be a community rather than just me, so if anyone reading this is interested in contributing in any way, large or small, please get in touch.

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