Porting (FFT and traffic lights)

Today seems to have been mostly about porting. I’ve not really developed anything new, but I have learned a lot by moving things around between machines. Yesterday I was a little disappointed with the un-tuned performance of the FFT code I had found and got running on the Freescale Freedom KL25Z, so I decided to …

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First trial of fourier transform on a KL25z

Progressing with my attempt to record and process ultrasonic sounds, I have spent this evening with a trial version of a fast fourier transform (FFT) on the KL25z ARM board. My hope is that if I can get it running fast enough and well enough, I can offload that part of the work to this …

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Ipswich game developers and hackspace

Despite a head buzzing with ideas for things to do with the interesting combination of Raspberry Pi and Freescale KL25z, I had no time to play with them this evening. I had a meeting to go to! I mentioned in my discussion of the Ipswich technology scene that I had discovered a group of people …

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Using Raspberry Pi with a Freescale KL25z

In my continuing quest to get ultrasonic sound information in to a Raspberry Pi so I can do interesting stuff with bat sounds, one of the candidate devices I have identified is the Freescale Freedom KL25z board. Unlike the MCP3002 that I tried to connect to recently, this is not just an analogue to digital …

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Raspberry Pi as a node in a loose network of devices

The more I think about it, the more fascinating the possibilities of the Raspberry Pi become.  This is a fantastic read to explore its vast possibilities. It occupies a really interesting spot between traditional embedded controllers like Arduino, pics and the like at one end, and “proper” computers at the other. It has enough GPIO to …

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Pirates and SPIs

“Pirates and SPIs” sounds like a cheesy adventure story, but I’m afraid it’s more likely to be a serial than an exciting drama. A few days ago I had a delivery of some components I had ordered, including a MCP3002 analogue to digital converter. The data sheet for this device claims that it can do …

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Not just Raspberry Pi – playing with an Arduino

I have had an Arduino board sitting in one of my electronics boxes for months. While chatting with an ex colleague yesterday evening, it occurred to me that I had never actually done anything with it. Although it may seem that Arduino and Raspberry Pi are in some sense competitors, I’m seeing more and more …

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The Ipswich technology “scene”

No playing with Raspberry Pi hardware this evening. Instead I went out into the real world and actually talked to people! Of course some of that talking ended up being about Raspberry Pi, Arduino and the like… I live in Ipswich, the county town of Suffolk, and the reason for all this exercise was the …

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HotPi part two, software frustration

I suppose I should know better than to announce what I plan to do the next day. In yesterday’s post I made a lot of progress with the HotPi board and was looking forward to having fun with colour LED control and IR sensing. Unfortunately I made hardly any progress, and ended the evening not …

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HotPi multi-purpose board

This is turning out to be a great week for new stuff. Yesterday I got a package of goodies from China and today I got a HotPi board from local Raspberry Pi specialists “The Pi Hut“. The board was funded by a kickstarter project. Unfortunately I did not know about it until after the kickstarter …

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