Rediscovering the delights of C

The last few months have been an interesting journey for me. Not only have I been having loads of fun (and quite a few late nights) with my Raspberry Pi experimentations, but I have also been spending my working days programming in C. It came as a bit of a surprise when I was first …

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Programming while tired

I guess it happens to all of us. In theory, I make use of as many techniques as I can to mitigate against suffering from mistakes while I’m programming. I use Test-Driven Development, I make small changes and use frequent check-ins to my source code repository. Every now and then though, I lose the plot …

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ELIUS Memory Primitives

I can’t help but feel that progress is slow on ELIUS, my from-the-ground-up programming language. This is a natural and expected side-effect of only being able to work on it in spare time during the evenings and weekends, but it is still frustrating. Today I made some progress on adding the first set of “primitive” …

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Going Batty

I’m a big fan of bats. I even went so far as to make a video at Natterer’s Wood in Bury St Edmunds. I have borrowed a “bat detector” (a device for listening to the ultrasonic noises made by bats as they fly and hunt) a few times, and it has always been very interesting, …

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Testing memory-mapped IO

Following on from yesterday’s post about developing code which uses the memory-mapped IO on the Raspberry Pi, but on a separate development system which does not have the same hardware, I began to think about the steps needed for testing such code. The first stage is unit-level testing. As much of the code as possible …

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Developing memory-mapped IO

I’m trying to make a concerted push on a first working version of CORNELIUS at the moment, and it’s throwing up all sorts of interesting aspects of software development. For the first version I am building the minimum OS and language in C. However, I am trying very hard to minimise the amount of C …

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Finally got my bluetooth keyboard working

When I set up this blog, I made a commitment to myself that it would not be just a “link blog” where I note down interesting pages, articles and sites I have found in my travels around the web. I have another blog which pretty much covers that function, even though I have been busier …

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Raspberry Pi and RFID

A few years ago I did some work on a project which used RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) to do all sorts of cool things. There were several problems with this, though. The first was that even high-quality UHF RFID readers and antennas would sometimes struggle to see and recognize the “tags” we had attached to …

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